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* Electioneers discovered in my research


​The Quorum of Twelve Apostles led the campaign and were also electioneers. They are:
Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Parley P. Pratt, William Smith, Orson Pratt, John E. Page, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith, Willard Richards, and Lyman Wight

Adams, Charles Augustus

*Adams, "Elder" D.

*Akes, Harmon Jackson

*Alexander, Randolph

Allen, Daniel

*Allen, John

Allen, Orville Morgan

*Amy, Dustin

Anderson, Miles

*Andrews, Benjamin

Andrus, Milo

Angus, John Orson

*Appleby, William Ivins

*Arnold, "Elder"

Ashby, Nathaniel

*Atkinson, Thomas

*Atwood, Millen

Babbit, Lorin Whiting

Bacon, Samuel

*Badlam, Alexander

*Ball, Joseph T.

Barlow, Israel

Barnes, H. W.

Barney, Edson

Barrows (Barrus), Ethan

Bartlett, Milton F. 

Barton (Burton), Isaac

*Bassett, Charles Henry

Bates, Archibald

Bates, Marcellus L.

Bathrick, Almon

Batson (Badson), William

*Beach, Orson Gillett

*Beckwith, John D.

Beebe, Isaac

*Beebe, William A.

Bell, Alfred

Bennett, Hiram Bell

*Bennett, James Arlington

Benson, Ezra T.

*Benson, Martin Luther

*Bent, Samuel

Bentley, Gregory

*Bernhisel, John M.

*Berry (Burry), Jesse

*Berry, Wilson

*Bevan, James

*Bigler, Henry William

*Bills, Samuel

Blanchard, John Reed Sr.

*Bois, "Elder"

Bosworth, Joseph Buckley

*Bottoms, John

*Bowen, Peter C.

*Boyle, Henry Green

Boynton, Abraham Dodge

*Brady, Lindsey Anderson

Brandon, George Washington

Brandon, Thomas Jefferson

*Brannan, Samuel

Briggs, Silas Hugh

*Brinton, David

*Brooks, Charles

Brooks, Lester

Brothers, William

Brown, Alfred

*Brown, Benjamin

*Brown, Francis A. 

*Brown, Hiram J. or P.

*Brown, Samuel

*Brown, Uriah

*Browning, Jonathan 

Burgess, James

Burnham, James (Jacob) L. 

*Burns, Enoch

Burton, Isaac

*Burton, Robert Taylor

*Burton, William

Butler, Lorenzo Dow

Butterfield, Josiah

Buys, Hyrum DeBaun

Buzzard, Phillip Hammond

*Cahoon, Reynolds

*Calkins, Edwin Ruthvin

*Camp, Williams

Candland, David

*Card, David

Carlin, Edward

Carpenter, Samuel E.

Carroll, James

Carter, Dominicus

Carter, Simeon Dagget

Casper, John Austin

Casteel (Castell), Jacob Israel

Chamberlain, George

Chase, Darwin J.

Chase, Isaac

Chase, John Darwin

Childs, Nathaniel

*Church, Hayden Wells Sr.

*Clair, "Mr."

Clapp, Benjamin Lynn

*Clark, Calvin, R.

*Clark, Israel Justus

*Clark(e), U.

Clark, William Ogelby

Cluff, David Sr.

*Coates, Ralph J.

*Cobb, Roland

Cole, Joseph Mortimer

Coltrin, Graham

*Coltrin, M. J.

Coltrin, Zebedee

Condit, Amos W.

Cook, Henry Lyman

Cooley, Alvin

Coons, Libbeus T.

Cooper, John Andrew

Coray, Howard

Coray, William

Corson, Alfred

Cornish, Denman (Demmon)

*Cowan, David B. 

*Cram, John

*Crosby, Jesse Wentworth

*Crosby, Jonathan

Crouse, George W.

Curtis, Jeremiah

Curtis, Joseph

*Curtis, Theodore

*Cutler, William Lanthrop

Davis, Amos

Davis, Edward Horace

*Davis, Elisha

Dayton, Hiram

Dayton, Lysander

Dean (Deam), Henry H.

*Divoo (Devoo) L.

Dobson, Thomas

*Doremus, Henry J.

*Dorland, William

*Dougherty, Edward S.

Downing, James

Dryer, William Wakely

Duel, Osmon M.

Duke. Jonathan Oldham

Duncan, Chapman

Duncan, John

Duncan, William A. H.

*Dunn, Crandell

Dunn, Simeon Adams

*Dyer, John W.

Dykes, George  Parker










Eames, Ellis

Edwards, Francis M.

Edwards, Thomas S.

Egan, Howard

Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin

Elliott, Bradford White

Elliott, Henry G.

Ellsworth, Benjamin C.

*Ellsworth, Cyrus

Ellsworth, Edmund

Emmett, James

*Ensign, L. L.

Evans, David

Ewell, John Martin

Ewell, Pleasant

Farlin, Orrin Day

Farnham, Augustus Alvin

Farr, Aaron Freeman

*Farr, Lorin

Felshaw, William

*Felt, Nathaniel Henry

*Field, Reuben

*Fielding, Amos

Fife, Peter Muir

Fisher, Daniel

*Flanigan, James Henry

*Fleming, Josiah Wolcott

Folsom, William Harrison

Foote, Timothy Bradley

Foster, Joseph Hollis

*Foster, Lucian Rose

Foster, Solon

Fowler, George Washington

*France, Joseph

Frost, Samuel Buchanan

Fuller, Thomas Eldridge

*Fullmer, David

Fullmer, John Solomon

Gardner, Daniel White

Gardner, Morgan Lewis

*Gates, Jacob

*Geer, Aretus

Gillett, Truman

*Gillibrand, Robert

Glaeske, Andrew Jackson

*Glines, James Harvey

*Godfrey, Riley

*Goforth, "Mr."

*Goforth, William Gano

Goldsmith, Gilbert Davis

*Goodale, Jackson

Gould, John

Graham, James

*Grant, Jedediah Morgan

Green, Harvey

*Green, William Jr.

*Greig, James M.

Gribble, William

*Grierson, John William

*Griffith, Richard

Groves, Elisha Hurd

*Guard, David

*Guinard, Julius Joseph

*Gully, Samuel L.

Gurley, Zenos Hovey

Guyman (Guymon), Thomas

Haight, William

Hale, Jonathan Harriman

*Hall, Alfred

*Hall, Allen

Hall, Lyman

*Hallet, Clark Thatcher Sr.

Hamblin, Jacob Vernon

Hamilton, Robert

Hammond, John

Hampton, Jonathan Victor

Hancock, Levi Ward

*Hanks, Sidney Alvarus

Harding, Alvin Milton

*Hardy, John G.

Hardy, Zachariah

*Harman (Harmon), J.

*Harrison (Harmison), James

*Haskins, Nathan

Hatch, Jeremiah

*Hatch, Lorenzo H.

*Hathaway, "Captain"

*Haws, J. 

*Haws, Peter

*Heath, Samuel

*Henderson, William

Herriman (Harriman), Henry

*Herringshaw, Hugh

Hess, Thomas

*Heywood, Joseph Leland

Hickerson, George Wash.

Higginbotham, William E.

Hodges, Amos

*Hodges, Curtis Jr.

Holbrook, Chandler

Holbrook, Joseph

*Hollister, David Sprague

*Holman, Joshua Sawyer

*Holmes, Milton

Holt, James

Holt, John

Hopkins, Charles A.

*Horner, John Meirs

Houston, Isaac

Houston, John

Hovey, Orlando Dana

*Howe, Frederick Wakefield

Hoyt, Homer Collins

Hoyt, Samuel Pierce

Hoyt (Hoit), Timothy Sabin

Hubbard, Charles Wesley

Hunt, Jefferson

*Hunt, "Mr."

*Hunter, Edward

*Hurd, W.

Hutchings, Shepherd Pierce

Hyde, William L.

*Idle, W. B.

*Ivie, Richard Anderson

Jackman, Levi

Jacob, Norton

Jacobs, Henry Bailey

*James, Nathaniel

*Jennings, Henry

*Johnson, Aaron

*Johnson, Hunting

*Johnson, Joel Hills

Johnstun, Jesse Walker

*Jones, Captain Dan

Jones, David

Jones, John Jr.

Jones, John Sr.

*Jones, Nathaniel V.

*Jones, P.

Jordan, William Harrison

Judah, David

Kelly, John

Kelting, Joseph Andrew

Kendall, Levi Newell

*Kerr, Archibald

Kershner, David J.

*Keyser, Guy Messias

*King, Joseph

*King, Thomas Jefferson

*Kinnamon, Richard H.

Lamb, Abel

Lambson, Alfred Boaz

Lamoreaux, Andrew Losey




*Lane, Leeler

*Lane, Selah

Langley, George Washington

Laurence (Lawrence), George

*Leach (Leech), George T.

*Leach, John

*Leaver, Samuel

Leavitt, Nathaniel Jr.

LeBaron, Alonzo Harrington

*Lee, Ezekiel

Lee, John Doyle

Lemmon, Washington

Lewis, Clark

Lewis, David

*Lewis, Lemuel

*Little, James (Jesse) C.

Littlefield, Lyman Omer

*Litz, Stephen

*Livingston, Jonas

Lloyd, George

*Long, T.

*Losee, Isaac H.

Loveland, Daniel

Loveless (Lovelace), John

Lowry, John

*Luddington, Elam

Lyman, Amasa

Lyman, William Davis

Mack, Chilion

Mackley, (Mackey), John

*Mallory, Lemuel

*Manchester, Asa

Markham, Stephen

*Martin, Thomas

Martindale, William A.

*Mason, Lincoln

*McAllister, Ananias

McArthur, Duncan

*McBride, William

*McCauslin, Younger

*McGinn, Eli

McIntire, William Patterson

McIntosh, John A.

McKeown, Marcellus

McRae, Alexander

McTaggart, Thomas

*Melling, Peter

*Merrill, Valentine

*Merryweather, Frederick

*Meynell, J. B.

Mikesell, Garrett Wells

Mikesell, Hyram Washington

*Mikesell, John Aylor

*Miles, Ira Simonds

*Miles, William Hart

*Milford, Norman

Miller, Bethuel

*Miller, George

*Miller, William

*Mitchell, "Brother "

Moffett, Armstead

Moon, John

Moore, Lorenzo

*Moore, William A.

Morris, Jacob

Morse, Justus

*Moss, David

Mott, Hiram

Mower (Mouer), Henry

Mowrey (Morey), Harley

Mount, Joseph

Mulliner, Samuel

*Munroe (Monroe), James M.

*Myers, Jacob

*Myers, John

*Myers, William H.

*Neal, George Augustus

*Nelson, "Elder"

Nelson, James

Nelson, William

Newberry, James

*Newell, Garrett T.

Newland, William

Newman, Elijah

*Newton, Joseph H.

Neyman, Hiram

Nichols, John

Nickerson, Freeman

Nickerson, Levi Stillman

Nickerson, Uriel C.

*Nixon, Theophilus W.

Noble, Joseph Bates, Sr.

Norris, Patrick

Olmstead, Harvey Sr.

*Olney, Omar

Ott, Frederick

*Outhouse, John

Owens, Horace Burr

*Pace, James

Pack, John

Palmer, Abraham

Park, James Pollock

*Parker, Joshua

Parker, Samuel

Parshall, William Knapp

*Patten, John M.

*Peirson (Pierson), Edwin D.

*Pell, Elijah WArd

Penn, George

Perkins, Andrew Houston

*Perkins, William Gant

Perry, Josiah Henry

*Perry, Stephen Henry

Pettigrew (Pettegrew), David

Petts, John F.

Pew (Pugh), George

Phelps, Joshua R. G.

Phelps, Morris

*Phelps, William J.

*Phelps, William Wines

Phippin, James Worthington

Porter, Jared

Porter, Nathan Tanner

Post, Stephen

Powers, John Milton

Pratt, William Dickson

Rainey, David Pickney

*Ray, John E.

Razor, Aaron

*Reader, George

Redfield, David Harvey

Reed, Calvin

Reed, Elijah

Reed (Reid), John Henderson

*Reese, Enoch

*Reheey, Robert

*Reid, John S.

Rich, Charles Coulson

Richards, Franklin Dewey

*Richards, Levi

Richards, Samuel Whitney

*Richardson, William A.

Riley, William Wommack

Riser, George Christian

Riser, John Jacob

*Robbins, Lewis

Roberts, John Wesley

*Robinson, Ebenezer

*Robinson, Jesse

*Robinson, Joseph Lee

*Robinson, Lloyd

*Rogers, Amos Philemon

*Rogers, David

*Rogers, David Daniel H.

*Rogers, David W.

*Rogers, Samuel Hollister

Rose, Joseph

Rule, William Griffin

*Sanders, Ellis Mendenhall

Sanderson, James

Sasnett, John Gosney

Savage, David Leonard

*Savage, Jehiel

Savage, William

*Scott, Andrew Hunter

*Scovil, Lucius Nelson

Seabury, William

*Searle, Breed B.

*Shamp, Joseph

*Shaw, Samuel

Shearer, Daniel

*Sheets, Elijah Funk

*Sheffield, Anson

Shelton, Seabert

*Shenask, "Dr."

*Sherwood, Henry Garlie

Shoemaker, Jacob

*Sirrine, Mephibosheth

*Sly, James Clavin

Smith, Jackson Osborne

Smith, John Glover

*Smith, Moses

*Smith, P. R. (K?)

Smith, Warren

Smith, William

Smoot, Abraham Owen

Snow, Charles

Snow, Erastus Fairbanks

Snow, Lorenzo

Snow, Warren

Snow, Warren Stone

Snow, Willard Trowbridge

Snow, William

*Snyder, George Gideon

*Sohn, Joseph

Sparks, Quartus Strong

*Spaulding, Ira N.

*Spavei, L.

Spencer, Daniel Jr.

*Spicer, John

Sprague, Richard Demont

Spry, Charles

*Steele, "Elder"

Stewart, Levi

Stewart, Urban Van

Stoddard, Lyman

Stoddard, Sylvester

*Stout, Hosea

Stow, Nahum Milton

Stowell, William R. R.

*Stratton, Hiram

*Stratton, Joseph Albert

Strong, Ezra Jr.

Strong, Reuben William

Swackhammer, Elijah

*Swackhammer, John

*Tadlock, Alexander

*Taney, William

Tanner, John

Tanner, Martin Henry

Tanner, Nathan

*Taylor, Stephen

*Terry, Jacob Err

*Thayer, (Thayre), Ezra

*Thayer, (Thayre), (son)

*Thomas, John H.

*Thomas, Robert T.

Thompson, Charles B.

*Thompson, Ezra

*Thompson, George Vaughn

*Thompson, Hiram

Timmons, Andrew A.

Titus, Martin

*Tracy, Moses M.

*Tracy, Nancy Naomi

Truly, Ekells, 

Tufts, Elbridge

Tulley (Talley), Allen

*Turner, Ephriam

Twiss, John Saunderson

Tyler, Daniel

*Van Ausdall, William

*Van Deuzen, Increase

*Van Every, Peter

Van Natta, James Henry

*Van Nostrand, James M.

Vance, John

Vance, William Perkins

Vincent, Ezra

Wait, Allen

*Wakefield, John Fleming

Walker, John Beauchamp

*Wallace, George B.

Wandell, Charles Wesley

*Ware, William G.

Warner, Charles

Warner, Salmon

*Wasson, Lorenzo D. 

*Watkins, G.

Watkins, William Lampard

Watt, George

Watt, George Darling

*Weaver, Peter

*Webb, Edward Milo

*Webb, Pardon Knapp

*Wells, "Elder"

Welton, Michael (Micah) B.

*West, Aaron

*West, Alva

*West, Chauncey Walker

*West, Joseph

West, Nathan Ayres

Wheelock, Cyrus Hubbard

Whipple, Edson

*White, Charles

White, Samuel Dennis

Whitney, Alonzo Wells

*Wight, Lewis

Wilbur, Melvin

*Willard, Edward

*Willard, Lemuel

Willard, Stephen D. (C.)

*Williams, Abraham

*Wilkes, Ira

Wilson, Bushrod Washington

Wilson, Henry Hardy

Winchester, Benjamin

Winchester, Stephen

*Winters, Hiram

Woodbury, Joseph Jeremiah

Woodbury, Thomas Hobart

Woodbury, William Hamilton

Woodworth, Lucien

*Woolley, Edwin Dilworth

*Wright, Abraham Reister

*Wright, Jonathan Caulkin

*Wright, "Mr."

*Wyckoff, "Mr."

Yearsley, David Dutton

Young, Alfred Douglas

Young, Alphonso

Young, John M. Jr.

Young, Joseph

Young, Lorenzo Dow

Young, Phineas Howe

Younger, Joseph

*Zeigler, Lewis









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